Arc and distance between two points on Earth surface

The following C++ snippet computes the arc (in radians) and the distance (in meters) between two positions on Earth using the law of haversines.

It assumes a Position class exists, with two public members for the longitude and the latitude (resp. "lon" and "lat").

/// @brief The usual PI/180 constant
static const double DEG_TO_RAD = 0.017453292519943295769236907684886;
/// @brief Earth's quatratic mean radius for WGS-84
static const double EARTH_RADIUS_IN_METERS = 6372797.560856;

/** @brief Computes the arc, in radian, between two WGS-84 positions.
  * The result is equal to <code>Distance(from,to)/EARTH_RADIUS_IN_METERS</code>
  *    <code>= 2*asin(sqrt(h(d/EARTH_RADIUS_IN_METERS )))</code>
  * where:<ul>
  *    <li>d is the distance in meters between 'from' and 'to' positions.</li>
  *    <li>h is the haversine function: <code>h(x)=sin²(x/2)</code></li>
  * </ul>
  * The haversine formula gives:
  *    <code>h(d/R) = h(*cos(</code>
  * @sa
double ArcInRadians(const Position& from, const Position& to) {
    double latitudeArc  = ( - * DEG_TO_RAD;
    double longitudeArc = (from.lon - to.lon) * DEG_TO_RAD;
    double latitudeH = sin(latitudeArc * 0.5);
    latitudeH *= latitudeH;
    double lontitudeH = sin(longitudeArc * 0.5);
    lontitudeH *= lontitudeH;
    double tmp = cos(*DEG_TO_RAD) * cos(*DEG_TO_RAD);
    return 2.0 * asin(sqrt(latitudeH + tmp*lontitudeH));

/** @brief Computes the distance, in meters, between two WGS-84 positions.
  * The result is equal to <code>EARTH_RADIUS_IN_METERS*ArcInRadians(from,to)</code>
  * @sa ArcInRadians
double DistanceInMeters(const Position& from, const Position& to) {
    return EARTH_RADIUS_IN_METERS*ArcInRadians(from, to);
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