XGL 0.4 is out

XGL allows your program to automagically loads any OpenGL extension found in your driver.

File:XGL-0.4.tar.gz (SourceForge.net)
Changes:- Changed name from WholeGL to XGL. Changed function names accordingly.
- Changed file names to match FAT16 limitations (3 letters extension).
- Changed file names to lowercase. Now there shouldn't be anymore portability problems due to bad user-written #includes and lowercase gl.h conflicts.
- Added GLU support, up to version 1.3. XGLcaps now expose a "glu" substructure.
- Modified XGLInitialize(). It now accepts a path to the GLU DLL as the second parameter (can be NULL if no GLU is needed/wanted).
- XGL now complies with ANSI C standard (no more C++ compiler needed).
- On Win32 platforms, XGL will prefer SGI's OpenGL and GLU implementations to their MicroSoft's equivalent.

See the website for proper documentation.

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