XGL 0.5 beta in the works

XGL allows your program to automagically loads any OpenGL extension found in your driver.

File:XGL-0.5-dev.tar.gz (SourceForge.net)
Changes:- Added hints via XGLHint(). Only one hint is defined so far, XGL_STATES_MANAGER_HINT. Programmers are given the choice of explicitely enabling XGL's states manager or to use the normal OpenGL functions. If XGL_STATES_MANAGER_HINT is not wanted, then XGLSynchronizeStates() has no effect.
- Added XGLSynchronizeStates(). It loads the states manager's internal states table with current OpenGL states. It should not be very useful since XGL hijacks OpenGL states changing functions anyway...
- Added an OpenGL states manager. glEnable(), glDisable(), and glIsEnabled() now point to XGL functions which avoid redundant states changes.
- First time XGL breaks the 200KB barrier (in ELF format) ;) I will try to keep it this compact in the future...

See the website for proper documentation.

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